"Choose the Future" - Google Japan's 2009 Election site

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 | 10:48 AM


Cross-posted from the Google Japan blog, posted by Google Japan "choose the future 2009" team

In preparation for Japan's recent election, the Google Japan team launched a 2009 election "choose the future" site with election information and candidate responses to "5 Questions" asked and selected by citizens via Google Moderator.

The site, which now displays election results and news, also included candidate search trends leading up to election day.

Japanese voters could find their polling place and directions to get there:

<東京都渋谷区桜丘町 26-1 の例> "Example 26-1 Sakuragaoka-cho Shibuya-ku in Tokyo"

<東京都渋谷区渋谷の例> "Examples of Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo"

The "5 Questions" video responses could be viewed on a map for each electoral district. There were three different ways to find candidates and their videos:
  • Search by any street address.

<東京 7 区の例> "Ku, Tokyo 7 cases of"
  • Search by party and district:

<愛媛 1 区の例> "Ehime district example"

  • Search from constituencies:

<神奈川 13 区の例> "Kanagawa-ku, 13 cases of"